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2/8/22 Too True For FB by Ian Jacklin

How to Use Bonds to Get Your Child’s School District to Drop Mask Requirements and COVID Policies

Parents across the country are using surety bonds to take down school mask mandates and tyrannical COVID policies in a clever, little-known loophole that can hold schools, superintendents and board members accountable.

In one Illinois county, a mother saved her entire school district and forced them to drop their mask mandate by filing a claim against a superintendent’s bond policy — which removed all state and federal funding from the school until the matter was resolved. (The school quickly dropped its mask mandate.)

International Criminal Grand Jury Investigation: ‘Psychopathic’ Globalists Used COVID To Commit ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

Grand Jury | Day 1 (English)

It's all over but the crying. Draconian rule has ended!

Terrain – The Film by Dr. Kaufman

Joe Rogan Controversy Leads Rumble to Make Him a Public $100 Million Offer

Tucker has a message for politicians trying to censor broadcasters – re Joe Rogan

16 States File New Lawsuit Challenging Vaccine Mandates for U.S. Healthcare Workers

Trudeau Flees “Fringe Minority” Protest Of Truckers Protesting Mandates

Must Watch - Is Virology WRONG?

How they introduced nanotechnology through PCR's and injections

Freemasonry and the Rosicrucian Order

Silent War Ep. 6162A: Truckers Beat CANADA Restrictions, Vax Sterilizing, Maiming, and Killing

DARPA, CIA & NASA Turning Military Into Patented Chattel

Nobody is talking about this - Life insurance payouts skyrocket 258%

The Ottawa Police Cheif Is Forcing His Officers To Become NAZIS #HAULACOST2022 - #TrudeauForTreason

Oh Dear.

Unvaccinated Americans are Removed from Organ Transplant List

Mainstream media reports a vaccine death

University Of Washington And Johns Hopkins University Report: 5G Radiation Is Killing Animals And Wildlife

International Criminal Grand Jury Investigation: ‘Psychopathic’ Globalists Used COVID To Commit ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

University Of Washington And Johns Hopkins University Report: 5G Radiation Is Killing Animals And Wildlife

Great News! The Science on Masks Has Magically Changed Again!

Pinned Posts:

Dr. David Martin Presents the Practical Plan to End the "Pandemic" & Great Reset Agenda

Dr. Martins pdf for Attorney Generals & Sheriffs!

Coronavirus Means Radiation Poisoning

Whole Food Supplements & Home Growing Organic Veggies:

If you are into health and wellness read this. As you know I have been running “I Cure Cancer” for decades and the way we help people cure themselves is with supplements. I mentioned it on our last show I think... I partnered up with an awesome company where I am selling the Tower Gardens so you can grow your own organic food indoors and out year-round! They also have supplements that I think are pretty good. Especially for folks that don’t eat enough fruits, veggies, or omega’s. Watch these two videos and message me if interested:

More on Whole food supplements:

Order whole food supplements:

Tower Garden Short Video:

Another Tower Garden Video:

What grows well on a Tower Garden?

Order Tower Gardens:


Got the shot? Time to detox and heal: Dr. Robert O Young's recommendation to protect against wifi 5G soup and for those that took the shot, were wearing masks and taking tests that all have in them, Graphene Oxide, nanoparticles. No guarantees, but one has to try. Word around my campfire is these things are best for detoxing:

#1 for Graphene Oxide is pH Miracle® Terra pHirma Montmorillonite Clay

#2 for pathogens in shots - Red plne needIe olL: Great for killing parasites. Contains Suramin! .

Glutathione: Combine 10 drops with the NAC in the nebulizer.

Also important to take chlorophyll and phour salts and L Arginine!

Ever ate meat? You have undigested crap, literally in your colon. John Wayne had 40 lbs of it when he succumbed to colon cancer. Get your pipes clean!

Ian's - ConVid 1984 Book Review: Brilliant knowledge and information on the current times... Learn about true health, healing, and survival. Ian has a wealth of knowledge in the area and is here to help others get through these difficult times. This book is worth purchasing! -- Anonymous

In the USA and want a signed copy of Ian's Health books? Click here: DVD, Supplements, and Health Consultation.

Get $15 off your EMF protection devices with this link!

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