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Writer's pictureIan Jacklin

Ian's Daily Posts Too True For FB 10/31/21

Err… REALLY?? How Dishonest Can Big Pharma Get?!!

Fully vaccinated Ontario man dies after COVID-19 sweeps through his hockey league

IAN SAYS: It's not a virus it's your body detoxing. The shots overload you so you die. Sorry if you didn't learn the germ theory is wrong. The Terrain Model is right. --

Facebook, YouTube censor Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro for pointing out that covid vaccines destroy immune function

CDC/FDA smoking gun of smoking guns by Jon Rappoport

“After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.

Power Outside The Matrix: What it means

Psaki Accidentally Confirms That No Biden Federal Vaccine Mandate Actually Exists (they just scare y'all into taking the death shot! Stop following them!)

Ivermectin and the Uttar Pradesh (India) miracle

Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer - How to Request Your COVID-19 Vaccine Religious Exemption

Dr. Morse's Q&A - 22 Oct. 2021 - Neurotransmitter Levels, Babies and More #584

Dr. Fauci’s Horrifying Past & Sinister Track Record

Most Read News of the Week

DANGER: Terror Attacks Loom as Billionaire Funds Dangerous Corruption

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From a lawyer:

If you are being forced to Vax in order to keep your job, here’s a great way to handle it. (It’s called Conditional acceptance)The secret is to NOT refuse it.

I write with regard to the matter of potential covid vaccine and my desire to be fully informed and apprised of ALL facts before going ahead. I’d be most grateful if you could please provide the following information, in accordance with statutory legal requirements.”

• Can you please advise the approved legal status of any vaccine and if it is experimental?

• Can you please provide details and assurances that the vaccine has been fully, independently and rigorously tested against control groups and the subsequent outcomes of those tests?

• Can you please advise the entire list of contents of the vaccine I am to receive and if any are toxic to the body?

• Can you please fully advise of all the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since its introduction?

• Can you please confirm that the vaccine you are advocating is NOT experimental mRNA gene altering therapy?

• Can you please confirm that I will not be under any duress from yourselves as my employers, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code?

• Can you please advise me of the likely risk of fatality, should I be unfortunate to contract Covid 19, and the likelihood of recovery?

• Can you please advise me if I were to experience any adverse reactions is the manufacturer of the vaccine liable? If the manufacturer isn’t liable will the company I’m currently employed with be responsible & liable as it is their request that I have the vaccine in order to carry on my employment?

• Once I have received the above information in full and I am satisfied that there is NO threat to my health, I will be happy to accept your offer to receive the treatment, but with certain conditions – namely that:

• You confirm in writing that I will suffer no harm.

• Following acceptance of this, the offer must be signed by a fully qualified doctor who will take full legal and financial responsibility for any injuries occurring to myself, and/or from any interactions by authorized personnel regarding these procedures.

• In the event that I should have to decline the offer of vaccination, please confirm that it will not compromise my position and that I will not suffer prejudice and discrimination as a result?

• I would also advise that my inalienable rights are reserved.

The point is that if they CANNOT provide that information you’ve NOT refused.


Get $15 off you EMF protection devices with this link!

Got the shot? Time to detox and heal:

The Ferrari of health books. Again you don’t get fat, cancer, diabetes etc… you do them. Stop doing them and here’s how. Alkaline. Dr. Robert O Young’s pH Diet & Mindset.

Dr. Robert O Young's recommendation to protect against wifi 5G soup and for those that took the shot, were wearing masks and taking tests that all have in them, Graphene Oxide, nanoparticles. No guarantee's, but one has to try. Word around my campfire is this is the anecdote.

Red plne needIe olL: Great for killing parasites. Contains Suramin! DR. Judy Mikovits recommendation for all the madness of shots etc...

Also important to take chlorophyll and phour salts and L Arginine!

Ever ate meat? You have undigested crap, literally in your colon. John Wayne had 40 lbs of it when he succumbed to colon cancer. Get your pipes clean!

Good thing I wrote this when I did. This book could also be called I cure eating too much shit disease or got shit injected in to my arm. Not feeling well? Got cancer or some other form of acidosis? Dr. Bernardo's alkaline protocol is in here along with everything else important for getting well. I Cure Cancer:

Other platforms better than commie FB:

Well, it is a horror show these days. Happy Halloween!

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