11/20/22 Top Story
The Corona Investigative Committee Interviews Dr. Robert O. Young
Full Episode EP#56: Vile Ingredients
Famous Dem's Kid Gets Red-Pilled, Are the Youth Waking Up? | Scott Walker | POLITICS | Rubin Report
Mike Lindell’s FBI Phone Seizure Warrant Reveals Why DOJ Is Investigating Him | Facts Matter
Trump Responds to Question on If He Will Rejoin Twitter
FDA ignored COVID shot-related safety signals in elderly, investigative report reveals
Army Seeks to Force Out Soldiers Claiming Religious Exemption to Vaccine Mandate, Service Members Claim
Sunday Strip: Now Hiring (only the best will do)
The Defender:
Australian Health Officials Reject 3rd COVID Booster for All Ages
11/19/22 - Top Story
COVID SITUATION: An Overview with Pamela Richardson & Klanmother Karen MacDonald
Children's Health Defence - Autism Lawsuit
Kash Patel Breaks Down Top 3 Investigations House Republicans Should Launch ‘On Day One’
☕️ C&C NEWS ☙ Saturday, November 19, 2022 ☙ COMPROMISED 🦠
The foreign data set was gutted this week in VAERS and the cancer signal was halved, the myocarditis dose 3 response signal was lost and 994 spontaneous abortions/still births were dropped
Mel K & Kash Patel | Unity, Strength & Focus - The Battle For America Rages On 11-17-22
11/18/22 - Top Story:
RHONY Star Bethenny Frankel Goes Off!; G20’s Disturbing Declaration; Congressional Panel: ‘Censorship Kills;’ Top Covid Doctor Under Fire, Exposes Gov't RNA Vaccine Operation Pre-dating Covid Guest: Peter McCullough, MD, MPH https://thehighwire.com/watch/
Authors pinned note: Rather than put out separate blogs every few days I've decided to just have this news board that I will add to as the stories come in. Since FB is not following the constitution and doesn't give us free speech instead of posting to my FB profile and suffering the repeated 30-day jail sentences for telling you the truth I'm just going to drop this link which luckily escapes their bots. If you would like to support my work get my books here:
Friday Funnies: As the world burns
Dystopian Big Tech Collusion with Fed Gov. Exposed by Senator Hawley in Congressional Hearing
Capitol Report (Nov. 17): Pelosi to Step Down From All Leadership Roles; House GOP to Launch Investigation Into Biden Family
Real time obstetrician/gynecologist's data on new patients and miscarriages for 2021 and 2022
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation
☕️ C&C NEWS ☙ Friday, November 18, 2022 ☙ VITAL STATISTICS 🦠
Shingles cases in COVID-19 shot context represent increased risk, not increased reporting: a response to a recent investigation
Jon Rappoport: I continue my relentless incorrigible ways, happy as a lark
A Steve Kirsch -like science $$$ bet; and, Race is an issue, like it or not; and, Biden: domestic terrorist?; and, White House issues apology to wealthy elites on Martha's Vineyard
G20 Promotes WHO-Standardized Global Vaccine Passport and ‘Digital Health’ Identity Scheme
‘This Is an Investigation of Joe Biden’: House Republicans Allege Biden Was Involved in Hunter’s Business Dealings
Mike Stone, the creator of Viroliegy.com,
has done great investigative work into "gain of function" virology experiments by studying the original papers.
The Defender:
G-20 Leaders Promote Global Vaccine Passports So ‘You Can Move Around’
11/17/22 - Today's Top Story
Disturbing increase in excess deaths among children and young adults, European data reveals
NVIC’s 2022 Annual Report on U.S. State Vaccine Legislation
Action For Canada - Died Suddenly
INFOGRAPHIC: Arizona Vote Counting Timeline—Hobbs Vs. Lake
DIED SUDDENLY | OFFICIAL TRAILER – Streaming November 21st
11/16/22 - Top Story

Censoring Dr. Peter McCullough
DIED SUDDENLY (from cupcakes, coffee... and ???)
The incredible disappointment of Elon Musk's first weeks owning Twitter (PART TWO)
Big Pharma Buying Up Supplement Companies
Why Can I Eat Bread in Europe, But Not at Home?
“A Great Reset Will Happen…” Eckhart Tolle
Australian Health Officials Reject 3rd COVID Booster for All Ages
American Council on Science and Health takes up our First Amendment lawsuit, Changizi versus the Department of Health and Human Services
The Under Reporting Factor in VAERS
A new pre-print answers some questions about age-related immunopathologies associated with empty LNPs
RTE Roundtable Talk #18: Nanoparticle Model of Vaccine Injury
Alex Jones - Tuesday FULL SHOW 11/15/22 – It’s Official! The Democratic Party
Myocarditis in kids under 18 cases up by over 100X in Canada
How Google Stopped the Red Wave
11/15/22: Top Story:
Our Vaccines Are Toxic To Humans!
Man Who Invented Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Admits He Hasn’t Been Jabbed
Weaponizing COVID to Promote Collectivism
Episode 5: BIG “PHARMA-CIDE”
Government Coercion & CDC Fraud
Pfizer Prevarications & Natural Immunity - See more at: https://go2.propaganda-exposed.com/docuseries/episode-5/#sthash.bnVspeeN.dpuf
Public Skepticism Over COVID Shots Fuels Growing Vaccine Hesitancy
The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination Turned Out to Be False
US Government-funded lab in Maryland plans risky study to make monkeypox virus strains more deadly
Predictably, Janet Yellen says since FTX collapsed, we MUST regulate crypto; thoughts about Hegelian dialectics; the unlikely billionaire; Bezos thinks recession likely; election news; and more.
D’Souza Gill and Chanel Rion Discuss the Results of the Midterm Elections
Endocrinologist Forecasts More Hormone-Related Diseases as Spike Proteins Found to Deplete Endocrine ‘Reserves’
ACCV Considering Vaccinated/Unvaccinated Health Outcomes Workgroup
Who is pushing epidemics? What are their crimes?
Who is pushing the IDEA of an epidemic, and what is the payoff?
CORRUPTION AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS -- Dr. Lee Vliet & Todd Callender
Discharge Abuse of Injured US Military Troops Claimed by Advocacy Group
GOP Takes Key District From Democrats in Blue State as House Control Undecided
What Mothers Should Know About COVID and COVID-19 Vaccine for Children
Important Posts
Watch and share these new films!!!
Uninformed Consent - Official Full Documentary Release - Watch Now!
Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics (2022 Documentary) https://rumble.com/v1ie6dj-shots-eugenics-to-pandemics-2022-documentary.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=teddolbi&ep=2
Under the Skin | Documentary
Toxicology vs Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO12July2022.php
The End of Germ Theory
Best Vaccine Truth Book ever:
Turtles All The Way Down. Vaccine Science and Myth:
Sign this and click!
STOP 5G! Together We Can Stop Deadly 5G Rollout!
How to Use Bonds to Get Your Child’s School District to Drop Mask Requirements and COVID Policies
Dr. David Martin Presents the Practical Plan to End the "Pandemic" & Great Reset Agenda
Dr. Martins pdf for Attorney Generals & Sheriffs! https://www.davidmartin.world/attorney-general-document/
Coronavirus Means Radiation Poisoning
Get Alkaline!
Whole Food Supplements & Home Growing Organic Veggies:
If you are into health and wellness read this. As you know I have been running “I Cure Cancer” for decades and the way we help people cure themselves is with supplements. I mentioned it on our last show I think... I partnered up with an awesome company where I am selling the Tower Gardens so you can grow your own organic food indoors and out year-round! They also have supplements that I think are pretty good. Especially for folks that don’t eat enough fruits, veggies, or omega’s. Watch these two videos and message me if interested:
Capsule Essentials player.vimeo.com/video/538793649
More on Whole food supplements: player.vimeo.com/video/268498523
Order whole food supplements: https://ij1111.juiceplus.com
Tower Garden Short Video: player.vimeo.com/video/269676394
Another Tower Garden Video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/641596766
What grows well on a Tower Garden? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpKGbXWepAs
Order Tower Gardens: https://ij1111.towergarden.com
Got the shot? Time to detox and heal: Dr. Robert O Young's recommendation to protect against wifi 5G soup and for those that took the shot, were wearing masks and taking tests that all have in them, Graphene Oxide, nanoparticles. No guarantees, but one has to try. Word around my campfire is these things are best for detoxing: Dr. Young Supplements: https://phmiracleproducts.com?aff=21
#1 for Graphene Oxide is pH Miracle® Terra pHirma Montmorillonite Clay
#2 for pathogens in shots - Red plne needIe olL: Great for killing parasites. Contains Suramin! . https://phmiracleproducts.com/products/red-pine-needle-oil?_pos=1&_sid=c3bd95427&_ss=r?aff21
10 drops NAC: https://phmiracleproducts.com/products/ph-miracle-nac-n-acetyl-cysteine?_pos=1&_sid=c0ef76e12&_ss=r?aff=21 - I'm told to use it in a nebulizer.
Glutathione:https://phmiracleproducts.com/products/glutaphione?_pos=1&_sid=908774292&_ss=r?aff=21 Combine 10 drops with the NAC in the nebulizer.
Also important to take chlorophyll and phour salts and L Arginine! https://phmiracleproducts.com?aff=21
Ever ate meat? You have undigested crap, literally in your colon. John Wayne had 40 lbs of it when he succumbed to colon cancer. Get your pipes clean! https://phmiracleproducts.com/products/phlush-alimentary-canal-cleanser?_pos=4&_sid=a5c02d7f8&_ss=r?aff21
Alkaline water is key too! https://phmiracleproducts.com/collections/water?aff21
Infrared Sauna: https://phmiracleproducts.com/products/innerlight-blue-infrared-fir-led-red-light-therapy-sauna?_pos=1&_sid=110c27596&_ss=r
Like this info? Show your support by getting one of Ian's books or his I Cure Cancer DVD:
Ian's - ConVid 1984 Book Review: Brilliant knowledge and information on the current times... Learn about true health, healing, and survival. Ian has a wealth of knowledge in the area and is here to help others get through these difficult times. This book is worth purchasing! -- Anonymous
Buy Ian Jacklin's Health Book Series - Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HP8S7JR?binding=paperback&ref=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_pc_tpbk&fbclid=IwAR1mAAF-ibGPlwVp50MbooydkDGE4TPzNPj0DmvsT1OXJc75w0YakySP_ZE
In the USA and want a signed copy of Ian's Health books, DVD, Supplements, and Health Consultation?Www.ianjacklin.com/shop
From Me To You.
This is a free news board I put up to help raise the frequency of life. CNN-type news outlets are owned by the dark that runs the world so you can't go there for true news. I keep an eye out for you and drop the truth bombs as I find them. Please share this with everyone you know. We must team up and take control of our lives and not let the Draconian rulers continue to ruin our existence.
Ian Jacklin
